Finally First Decoction - Did not go well

Wort making

Moderator: Brandon


Finally First Decoction - Did not go well

Postby MaineBrewer » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:44 pm

After spending an ordeal in the hospital and recovering from hernia surgery, I was finally back to brewing.

I brewed a Schwarzbier this morning doing my first double decoction. Unfortunately it did not go as well as I had hoped.
I managed to get my infusion temp spot on, but that was the only temp that seemed to work for me.

After each decoction I did not make it to the next desired temp rest. I'm not sure what happened, but it just didn't pan out for me. It could be that I was doing a small 3gallon batch (I am on weight lifting restriction - can't do 5gal batches yet) and there was lots of head space in the Mash Tun. I think on my first decoction, I didn't have quite enough mass to heat up to the next level.

Another thing that I was not as happy with was the amount of mess that was made. It's not that big of a deal because messes can be cleaned up. But it was just another downside.

BUT - at the end of the day, I had hit my batch volume and missed my OG by only .001. Not too shabby.

I seem to have a little better luck hitting my temps using infusion method. Is there a noticeable difference in flavor to doing infusion mashes vs decoction?
Bryan R
Posts: 882
Joined: Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:27 pm

Re: Finally First Decoction - Did not go well

Postby Bryan R » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:11 pm

Always pull more decoction than you need, you can always let it cool and add it back, but not the other way around. 50-60% is a good rule of thumb.

-German Brewing Founder- :tu

Re: Finally First Decoction - Did not go well

Postby MaineBrewer » Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:23 pm

Ok. I'll take that into consideration. I'll probably give it one more try. (My first all grain was not very successful...)


Re: Finally First Decoction - Did not go well

Postby lhommedieu » Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:59 am


Re: Finally First Decoction - Did not go well

Postby ajk » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:14 am

It gets easier with practice. Worth it in my opinion.

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